Families: Additional Resources
Priority resources are in bold font.
An Investigation into Cult Pseudo-Personality: What is It and How Does It Form? - Gillie Jenkinson, M.A. Cultic Studies Review , 7(3), 2008, 199-224.
Aspects of Concern Regarding Legion of Christ Mind Control Reflected in Its Rules, Norms, and Ex-Member Testimonies. J. Paul Lennon. ICSA E-Newsletter, 5(2), 2006.
Attacks on Peripheral versus Central Elements of Self and the Impact of Thought Reforming Techniques. Richard Ofshe, PhD & Margaret Thaler Singer, PhD Cultic Studies Journal, 3(1), 1986, 4-18.
Back From the Brink: An Abusive Church Movement Recovers Its Balance. Lawrence A. Pile.
“By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them”: How Good and Bad Works Can Deceive – the Case of the Legion of Christ – Michael Langone. ICSA Today, 3(3), 2012, 2-5.
Charismatic Covenant Community. Adrian Reimers. Cultic Studies Journal, 3(1), 1986, 28-42.
Clinical Update on Cults. Michael Langone. Psychiatric Times, July 1996.
Cult Formation. Robert Jay Lifton, M.D. Cultic Studies Journal, 8(1), 1991, 1-6.
Cults and Families. Doni Whitsett, Ph.D. & Stephen A. Kent, Ph.D. Cultic Studies Review, 3(2), 2004.
Cults, Conversion, Science, and Harm (Introduction to 2001 ICSA Annual Conference). Michael Langone, PhD.
Deprogramming: An Analysis of Parental Questionnaires. Michael D. Langone, Ph.D. Cultic Studies Journal, 1(1), 63-78.
Devotees and Their Parents. Dhyana-kunda devi dasi. ISKCON Communications Journal, 4(1), 1996, 33-41.
Domestic Violence in a Fabricated Family: Reflecting on a Cult Next Door. Elizabeth R. Burchard. ICSA Today, 11(2), 2020, 4-9.
Dysfunctional Churches. Ronald Enroth. Cult Observer, (9)4, 1992.
Exit Intervention: A New Approach to Saving Family Members From Destructive Groups. Steven A. Autenrieth. International Journal of Cultic Studies, 8, 2017, 50-59.
Families Helping Families. Trudy Kendrick.
Family Workshop (Power Point). Michael D. Langone Ph.D.
From Deprogramming to Thought Reform Consultation. Carol Giambalvo.
How a Dysfunctional Family Functions Like a Cult. Jose Fernandez Aguado.
How Could Anyone Join a Cult?!! Maureen Griffo.
How to Find Information on a Group. Larry Zilliox, Jr.
ICSA Recovery Workshops: The Colorado Model. Carol Giambalvo; Rosanne Henry. ICSA Today, 1(1), 2010, 2-9.
Influence. Robert Cialdini.
Leaving and Recovering From Cultic Groups and Relationships: Overview (Power Point). Michael Langone Ph.D.
Moments of Grace. Nancy Miquelon. Cultic Studies Journal, 15(2), 1998, 109-119.
My Experience in YWAM: A Personal Account and Critique of Cultic Manipulation. Laurie Jacobson. Cultic Studies Journal, 3(2), 1986, 204-233.
On Using the Term "Cult." Herbert L. Rosedale, Esq. and Michael D. Langone, PhD.
Panel Discussion: Can Cultic Groups Change—The Case of ISKCON. ISKCON Communications Journal, 7(2), 1999, 41-52.
Physical Child Abuse in Sects. Lois Kendall, PhD. ICSA Today, 2(2), 2011, pages.
Pitfalls To Recovery. Paul R. Martin, Ph.D.
Post-Cult Problems: An Exit Counselor's Perspective. Carol Giambalvo.
Prevalence. Michael Langone
Problem Solving An Approach for the Cult-Impacted Family. Dr. Sandy Andron, Ed.D. AFF News, 4(1).
Psychological Abuse. Michael D. Langone, PhD. Cultic Studies Journal, 9(2), 1991, 206-218. [sh]
Questionnaire Study: Preliminary Report. Michael D. Langone, PhD.
Reject the Wicked Man - Coercive Persuasion and Deviance Production: A Study of Conflict Management. Jerry Paul McDonald. Cultic Studies Journal, 4.2/5.1, 1987/88, 59-121.
Religion vs. Cult. Rev. Richard Dowhower.
Sex, Lies, and Grand Schemes of Thought in Closed Groups. A Collective of Women. Cultic Studies Journal, 14(1), 1997, 58-84.
Sifting the Wheat from the Tares: 20 Signs of Trouble in a New Religious Group. Peter Vere. ICSA E-Newsletter, 4(2), 2005.
The Art of Hoping: A Mother’s Story. Anonymous.
The Colorado Model. Carol Giambalvo; Roseanne Henry.
The Definitional Ambiguity of "Cult" and ICSA's Mission. Michael D. Langone.
The Role of the Family. Wendy Ford Wolfberg. Excerpted from Recovery from Abusive Groups.
Thought Reform Exists: Organized, Programmatic Influence. Margaret Thaler Singer, Ph.D. The Cult Observer 11(6), 1994.
Unique Ways to Reach Out to Loved Ones Involved in Cultic Groups - Rachel Bernstein
Vulnerable Characteristics. Robert Fellows, MTS. From Easily Fooled. Copyright Robert Fellows.
What Messages are Behind Today's Cults? Philip G. Zimbardo, Ph.D. Monitor of the American Psychological Association, May 1997, 14.
When You’re Asked About Cults. Robert Fellows, MTS. From Easily Fooled. Copyright Robert Fellows.
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Four Approaches to Helping Families. David Clark, Steve Hassan, Med, LMHC, LCC, Joseph Kelly, Patrick Ryan, Joseph Szimhart. Moderator: Lois Svoboda, MD, LMFT
Applying Conflict Resolution and Mediation to Cultic and Related Problems. Cristina Caparesi; Raffaella Di Marzio; Patricia Millar
Taking care of yourself when struggling with a cult-related situation, whether your own or that of a loved one. Linda Dubrow-Marshall, PhD; Rod Dubrow-Marshall, PhD